Past Events

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AGEP Evaluation Capacity Building Conference (Pre-AEA Conference Session)

| In-Person Meeting

The AGEP Evaluation Capacity Building Conference (ECBC) project held an in-person meeting on October 10-11, 2023, prior to the American Evaluation Association (AEA) annual conference in Indianapolis, IN. The agenda for this meeting included the following sessions. Presentation and supporting materials are available to download below. October 11, 2023 Sessions Welcome & Introductions Alliance Flash...

Design and Align Your Evaluation Plans and Methods

| Webinar

In this webinar we will discuss how to plan and implement evaluations that are high quality, and make sure that questions and methods are aligned. During the webinar we will review resources and examples focused on: Understanding formative vs summative evaluation activities Developing appropriate evaluation questions Mapping questions to indicators and methods

What Makes a Good AGEP Alliance Evaluation?

| Webinar

In this webinar we considered qualities of and criteria for high quality evaluations in general, reviewed the expectations for evaluations of AGEP Alliances, and worked with evaluators to reflect on elements of quality in their own evaluations.

Evaluating Systems Change

| Webinar

This evaluator-only webinar focused on Evaluating Systems Change. This webinar was a follow-up from the March 2022 webinar. During this webinar, we had Dr. Sharon Rallis, Professor Emerita of Education Policy and Reform from UMass Amherst, offered expertise and guidance in evaluating systems change, and Theresa Murphrey, evaluator for the Texas A&M System AGEP Alliance:...

Using Systems Thinking in your AGEP Alliance

| Webinar

This webinar provided background on systems thinking, and host of panel with representatives from The AGEP Alliance State System Model to Transform the Hiring Practices and Career Success of Tenure Track Historically Underrepresented Minority Faculty in Biomedical Sciences (PROMISE), and the AGEP-Transformation: The CIC Professorial Advancement Initiative, to discuss and reflect on ways that systems...

Language as an indicator: How the words we use matter

| Webinar

This webinar focused on the role that language and the terms we use play in contributing to and reflecting organizational and cultural change in the AGEP Program. We heard presentations by Dr. Mark Leddy, NSF Program Officer, and Dr. Lisa Merriweather, social science researcher for the AGEP North Carolina Alliance.